Wednesday, June 5, 2013

risk assesment rackheath

risk assessment mousehold

risk assesment office

location plans

i havent done any location plans as i used the storyboards to dictate where i would place the camera.
i also made the location plans on the day, i pre organised where we were going to shoot, for example mousehold and rackheath, however i decided upon camera location on the day.

call sheet mousehold

backdated minutes of meetings

as i was working alone and found no one to help me with my lighting issues i didnt have meetinsg with others, only time when i worked on my solo project and took notes on what i would be doing for the week, i had two meetings with actors, one with one set and one with another, these are the backdated minutes of the those meetings and what was discussed

meeting one
detailed what i intended and agreed with two female actors what was going to happen, worked out a schedue and they agreed to film.

unfortunately after that i was contacted by my actors and they were unavailable to fit in with my schedule i then had to work with other actors

meeting two
improptue meeting with two last minute replacements, my girlfriend and brother agreed to film, agreed to do all filming in one day with minimum dialogue but didnt mind being filmed, we then proceded to film that same day and got all filming done in one day across 3 locations